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Innan Läroteket text
Before you start working with Läroteket

From next week, we will work with the teaching aid Läroteket in class. This is a material for both homes and schools. The students and you parents will get to share knowledge about different parts of the brain that are important in learning. The goal is for students to gain an understanding of how our brain works when we learn new things, how we remember and how students themselves can influence their learning and memory with the help of e.g. study technician.

Once a week I present a new theme to the class and they get to learn a suitable amount of facts about the week's theme - a brain part, memory or a study technique . Before each new theme, a clue is given to what the theme should be about, which the students can figure out.


The same day as the theme presented to the class, students retelling of someone back home what they have learned about the theme of the week at school. They should try to recall as much as possible from the memory. After the story, the student, preferably together with an adult, should watch and listen to the accompanying video on, which is about two minutes long . In the video, the student gets more knowledge about the theme and a valuable repetition of what he learned in school. Hopefully you adults will also learn something new and exciting.

For every theme we work with in school, there is also material for you parents . At you will find material that can help you support your child's school work on the home front. You will find much more information at

Please let me know if your child does not have the opportunity to watch the videos at home once a week or does not have someone to report to.

NOTE! Watch the short video that you will find at the top of

Hjärnan introduktion
The brain intro

Now we have started with Läroteket!


The students have learned some factual knowledge about the brain, as a short introduction.


Your child's homework is to retell today (to someone at home) what he or she learned about the brain. Retelling from memory is a fantastic repetition method to get what you have learned to stick to.


After the story, you will watch the first video together at (Hjärnan intro, two minutes long).

In Föräldrahörnan on you will find adult material that belongs to this week's theme ( Feel free to read the chapter on the Brain - intro. You can read the chapter or listen to it on the website. In the digital book available at, you will find the chapter on page 14. You do not need to browse through the digital book. You can enter the page number in the upper left corner, diagonally above the book.

Did you know that there are also materials at Läroteket that can help your parents support your school children in reading learning, mathematics, reading subjects and language learning? Click on "Support subject learning" at

The material is available to both read and listen to.


This week's theme is neurons, ie our brain cells.

Just like last week, your child should retell what he or she learned in school (about neurons). Then watch and listen to the corresponding video at (the second video).

At you adults will find the associated material (connected to neurons) that is intended for you. You can read or listen to the material on the website. In the digital book you will find the chapter on page 16.


This week's theme: Hippocampus, the brain's memory master.

Homework: retell the hippocampus + watch and listen to related videos at (the third video).

At you adults will find the associated material (connected to the hippocampus) that is intended for you. In the digital book you will find the chapter on page 20.

Did you know that there are also materials at Läroteket that can help you strengthen the child in their schooling?


"How can you learn to learn? What kind of praise benefits the child the most? How to take on a difficult challenge? What is grit and why is it so important? How do you elicit a child's motivation?"


You can get answers to these questions if you click on "Strengthen the child" at


This week's theme: Amygdala, the brain's alarm center.

Homework: retell the amygdala + related videos at (the fourth video). ​

To you adults: The chapter on the amygdala at

In the digital book you will find the chapter on page 24.

Did you know that there is also support material for students for subject learning at Läroteket?


Among these support materials, students can get help to consolidate what they have learned in school or help with solving homework assignments. There are animated videos, print materials and digital games that can help students understand, rehearse and consolidate what they have learned in school. You parents can also get help from the material as you help with the homework. Take a look and get acquainted if you have not already done so!

Frontal lobe

This week's theme: The frontal lobe, the brain's decision makers.

Homework: retell + watch the video at - the fifth clip.

Further down the page ( there is a QUIZ with five questions - one question for each video. If the child can answer all five questions about the brain correctly, you can open the locked door (located above the quiz) and enter a secret page. There you will find more exciting facts about the brain and digital games.

To you adults: The frontal lobe at

In the digital book you will find the chapter on page 28.


An extra chapter for your parents follows the chapter on the frontal lobe: "Dopamine". You can also read this chapter both on the website as read or in the digital book.

The memory

Now we have moved on to the memory. This week's theme is just that - memory.

Homework: retell + watch the video at - the first video.

To you adults: The memory at (the clip contains both this week's and next week's theme)

In the digital book, find what touches this week's theme on pages 36 - 37. Remember that you do not have to scroll to the right page in the book. Enter the page number in the upper left corner, diagonally above the book.

Korttids- och långtidsminnet
Short-term and long-term memory

This week's theme: Short-term and long-term memory. ​

Hopefully, this homework assignment has become a self-contained routine: retelling and watching the following videos ( - the second video)

Further down the page you will again find a quiz with five questions. This time the questions are about memory. With the right answer options, you can open the locked door and go to another secret page. There you will find more exciting facts about memory and digital games.

To you adults: The short-term and long-term memory was included in the read chapter about "Memory" at

In the digital book you will find "Short-term and long-term memory" on pages 38 - 41.


NOTE! An extra chapter for your parents "Exercise and sleep" can be found on pages 42 - 45. The texts can be read on the website

Next week we move on to the study techniques. 

Mål och delmål
Goals and sub-goals

Now we have started learning study techniques. The idea is that students should benefit from these at school and at home when they do homework and study for exams. Hopefully we work enough with these techniques so that they can independently use them later in life.

This week's theme is "Set goals and sub-goals".

Homework: retell what this study technique is about and in what way it works + watch the accompanying videos together. You can find the clip at (the first clip). The clip also includes concrete tips you can use at home. You will find these tips in the Tips Bank. Link is below the video.  

To you adults: "Why study techniques?", "Prepare the brain" and "Set goals and make them visible" at

The digital book contains the chapters on p. 75, p. 81 and p. 82

Have you discovered that there are also book tips at You can benefit from these book tips if you are interested in learning more about the topics covered at Läroteket.

Create knowledge hooks

This week's theme: Knowledge hooks.

Homework: retell what knowledge hooks are and why it is good to "hang out" such in the brain. Then watch the accompanying video - the second clip at

Remember that there are concrete tips in the Tips Bank (link below the clip).

To you adults: "Create knowledge hooks" at

In the digital book p. 84

Eliminate focus thieves

This week's theme: Focus thieves - to identify and eliminate them.

Homework: retell + watch the video together - the third clip at

Remember that there are concrete tips in the Tips Bank (link below the clip).

To you adults: "Eliminate focus thieves" at

In the digital book p. 86 

Memory pictures

This week's theme: Memories.

Homework: retell + watch the video together - the first clip at

Remember that there are concrete tips in the Tips Bank (links below the clip).

To you adults: "Study" and "Think / memory pictures" at

In the digital book p. 88 and p. 90

Make the most of the time

This week's theme: use the time correctly

Homework: retell + watch the related video at - the second clip

Link to the tips in Tipsbanken is as usual under the clip. There is also a greeting from TIM SPARV (captain of the Finnish national football team) to the children who use Läroteket.


To you adults: "Make the most of your time" at

In the digital book p. 92

Sprida ut
Spread out

This week's theme: Spread the study in time and space


Homework: retell + watch the third video at

Then click on Tipsbanken below the video and check, among other things. on extra tips where JONTTI GRANBACKA (BUU club) and MÄRTA WESTERLUND (Radio X3m) participate.

To you adults: "Spread the study at

In the digital book p. 94 


This week's theme: Rehearsal (penultimate study technique)


Homework: retell + watch related videos at (the first video) (

In the tips bank Tipsbanken you will find mixed tips that fit into this theme and next week's theme.

To you adults: "Fasten" and "Repeat"

In the digital book pp. 98 and pp. 100 - 103. 


The last study technique  (which is a form of repetition) is what the students have now done at home for fourteen weeks, that is, retelling.

Encourage your child to tell you why the storytelling is good for our learning. You can find the accompanying video at

Because retelling is a form of repetition, the retelling was embedded in last week's material for the parents.

Closing (sent one week after the previous text)

After fifteen different themes regarding the brain, memory and study techniques, I hope that the students and you at home have learned a lot of new things that you will benefit from when studying at home.  

The idea is that we, school and home together, continue to use the techniques with the students to give them good study habits and study techniques they can use for life.

In the digital book you will find a summary of the study techniques on pages 105 - 107. On pages 109 - 111 you will find valuable Extra Tips you can use. As before, these chapters are also available at

Feel free to continue using the material available at Läroteket - rehearse by watching the videos again, print print material, play the digital games and get help and support from the material for subject learning under SUPPORT MATERIAL at

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